Sponsorship is a wonderful way to support the Guide Dogs of America program and get involved in the process.
There are several different Sponsorship Opportunities:
Newborn Puppy Sponsorship: $1,000
Covers the cost of breeding, delivery and all expenses for one newborn puppy up to 8 weeks of age. You will receive a certificate of appreciation and a photo of one of our sweet newborns.
Newborn Litter Sponsorship $2,500
Covers the cost of breeding, delivery and all expenses for one litter of puppies up to 8 weeks of age. You will receive a certificate of appreciation and a photo of one of our adorable litters.
Puppy Sponsorship: $5,000
Covers all expenses from 8 weeks until puppy returns to campus for formal training at age 15-18 months. You will receive quarterly updates and photographs.
Guide Dog/Service Dog Recipient Scholarship: $12,000
Covers all expenses involved in teaching a service dog recipient to successfully work with his/her new canine partner. You will receive a certificate of appreciation with a photo of the student you sponsored and will be acknowledged at the student’s graduation ceremony.
Guide Dog/Service Dog Sponsorship: $30,000
Covers all expenses for one guide/service dog from birth through graduation. You will receive a certificate of appreciation with a photo of the dog you sponsored and will be acknowledged at the dog’s graduation ceremony.
Guide Dog/Service Dog Team Sponsorship: $60,000
This special sponsorship opportunity allows you to sponsor the complete guide/service dog team partnership. It covers all expenses for both student and dog. You will receive a framed 5×7 photo of the team you sponsored and will be acknowledged at the team’s graduation ceremony.
For More Information
For more information on sponsorships from $1,000-$5,000, please contact Judy Reilly at (818) 833-6437 or JAReilly@GuideDogsofAmerica.org
For more information on sponsorships from $12,000-$60,000 please contact Debra Grossman at (818) 833-6436 or DLGrossman@GuideDogsofAmerica.org