Face Your Giants
Time has flown by and we grow closer and stronger each day. You may have heard the phrase, “face your giants.” Before Kirby and I became a team, the giants in my life were just simple daily routines for a sighted person. I did not have the confidence to merely go to a restroom by myself in a public place because of obstacles, doors, lighting and basic navigation to find the sink.
A year later, my life is full of confidence and independence, and those giants have shrunk down to size. Kirby guides brilliantly through busy streets, malls, buses, airports, and even parking lots! He always finds that ever- important restroom, and it is all in a good day’s work for him. Because of Kirby’s great raising, training, and experience, guiding is business as usual. There are never giants for him and, as a result, there are no more giants for me. There are now just places we have not visited yet, people we have not met yet, or work we have yet to accomplish.
As my vision gradually diminished, sadly, the giants of daily life had steadily increased. With Kirby, my guide dog from GDA, everything is going in the right direction! My confidence rises every day and those giants are forever shrinking! I am so grateful for Guide Dogs of America and their insight to match Kirby and me together to make “Team Jirby.” When my confidence was fading, the light of Kirby’s spirit brightened my life to show that these are not giants anymore – they are obstacles that we can easily and confidently maneuver together. Now Team Jirby is CONQUERING THE GIANTS TOGETHER! I am reminded daily of the generosity, expertise, kindness, and love in countless hearts that keeps my miracle of sight on course! Thank you Guide Dogs of America
– Love Team Jirby